Colorful Striped Popcorn Boxes Cardboard Candy Container for Carnival Party Movie Fiesta VBS 24 Pieces
Durable lightweight they are light weight flimsy paper will fall over slightest touch boxes folded easy assembly required
See what our customer have say stick couple these each time movies with kids are prefect potato wedges popcorn chicken chips multiple times they oil just dump out any crumbs fold back
Treat holders them take home treats birthday parties they are always perfect condition hold very well small clear bags fit over these using contain
Party them goodie bags movie theater these hold popcorn they are constructed very well have some weight make table look fabulous
These mini popcorn boxes are perfect all sorts snacks treats whether you're setting them out summer picnics outdoor concerts handing guests give movie night more authentic theater feel paper wonderful addition matter what have planned
Amazon ASIN B06WP44DF8
ceiba treeby Ceiba Tree