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50 Times People Hacked Hard Tasks By Coming Up With Clever Shortcuts Shared By People On Reddit
10 11I 12During 13 14I 15A 16 17I 18 19Worked 1There 2 20I 21In 22 23My 24I 25In 26 27I 28Teacher 29I 30Someone 31My 32Need 33 34In 35Not 36I 37I 38Was 39When 3Worked 4 40Got 41My 42My 43I 44had 45When 46When 47When 48 49My 50I 5I 6At 7Got 8The 9Eating Lazy Reddit Shortcuts Solutions Work

"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it," Bill Gates once said. I mean, he has to be onto something; after all, he's an American business magnate with a net worth of over $119 billion. But let's admit, it doesn't always work like this. Though in times when it does work, the solutions people manage to come up with are often absolutely genius. There's a popular thread on Reddit started by the user Slimer425 where people share their best stories of folks coming up with the...