News — BeerInPlaceOfWaterInPizzaDough
~ Beer in the Pizza Dough & a Semolina Pizza Crust ~
19 BeerAsAnIngredientInPizzaDough BeerInPlaceOfWaterInPizzaDough EasyPizzaDough SemolinaPizzaDough

Experimenting with pizza dough is not something I do often. Why? Because one has to be willing to run the risk of sacrificing a pizza in the event it doesn't work. Let's put it another way, one has to be of the mindset to experiment with a new dough or a variation on an existing one, and (chuckle if you want to but it's really not a laughing matter if you're wed to eating pizza), for a few short hours, one must throw caution to the wind and live dangerously. I did this today, and, I gotta say, I came...